Why did Gatorade decide to create a zero-sugar sports drink? Is the brand just following industry trends?

We continue to believe that athletes need both electrolytes and carbohydrates to fuel athletic performance. However, athletes’ desire for greater personalization with regards to their nutrition plan has increased – for example, some athletes choose to consume carbohydrates via food sources. As such, there is an increased need for variety in Gatorade’s product portfolio to meet the ever-changing needs of our consumers. Gatorade is continuously working with athletes to better understand their fueling needs and preferences. A zero-sugar thirst quencher is meant to appeal to more athletes in more athletic occasions, offering more choices to mix and match how athletes fuel and hydrate.

How does Gatorade powder mix differ from ready-to-drink?

Through following the powder instructions and correctly mixing with water, Gatorade powder mix offers the same efficacy and performance benefits of Gatorade Thirst Quencher in a bottle at the best value. Where only water is available, Gatorade powder mix provides a convenient option to transform water into Gatorade Thirst Quencher. It's also a great option for multi-serve situations such as for teams on practice or game day.

When should someone use Gatorade Thirst Quencher vs. G2 or Gatorade Zero?

Athletes have different hydration and fueling needs. Gatorade Thirst Quencher (GTQ), low-calorie Gatorade G2 and Gatorade Zero provide options to meet the needs of more athletes during more occasions.

GTQ and G2 both provide hydration as well as carbohydrate fuel; however, G2 offers less carbohydrate thereby making it “low calorie.” While GTQ helps effectively meet hydration and energy needs for most athletes, G2 helps meet those same needs when less carbohydrate is required (e.g., lower intensities and durations, or when goals are other than performance) or when an athlete has a high sweat rate (sweating out more fluid than the norm, therefore needing to replace higher fluid losses while still staying within the recommended carbohydrate intake range for athletes).

Gatorade Zero is meant for an athlete looking for a zero-sugar thirst quencher with the same electrolytes as a Gatorade Thirst Quencher. Gatorade Zero is also a great option for athletes who prefer to get the carbohydrate energy they need to fuel working muscles from products such as gels or chews, as a supplement to their hydration choice.

When should someone use Gatorade Recover products?

Gatorade Recover is designed to be consumed after training or competition to help promote muscle recovery and serve as a nutritional bridge until athletes eat their typical post-activity meal.

What is Gatorade Recover Shake?

Gatorade Recover Protein Shake delivers an effective amount of complete protein that contains the essential amino acids needed to help rebuild muscle after training or competition. The shake provides 20 g of protein and 46 g of carbohydrate to replenish muscle glycogen.


Does Gatorade contain gluten?

Gluten is typically found in certain grains such as wheat, barley and rye.

None of the ingredients in Gatorade ready-to-drink, Gatorade mix (bulk and sticks), G2 products, Recover Protein Shakes, Recover Protein Powders, Prime Energy Chews, and Gatorade Endurance products are derived from grains or flours that have been linked to gluten sensitivity. While these products are not formulated using gluten-containing ingredients, they have NOT been tested to be gluten-free. There is a possibility the ingredients were exposed to/stored next to gluten-containing foods during processing.

Some flavors of Recover Whey Protein Bar contain wheat, and for some, there is a possibility the ingredients were exposed to/stored next to gluten-containing foods during processing. Please read package labeling for details.

Prime Nutrition Bars contain ingredients that may have gluten protein content. Prime Fuel Bars contain wheat

Is there caffeine in Gatorade?

Not currently. Gatorade is all about providing products that serve to promote the health, safety and performance of athletes. As science continues to evolve, we’ll evolve our product offerings and formulations.

Why are there electrolytes in Gatorade?

When you sweat, you lose electrolytes, like sodium and potassium, which help the brain communicate with muscles and regulate fluid balance in your body. Significant fluid and electrolyte loss can negatively impact athletic performance – especially during long bouts of training in the heat. Gatorade helps replenish lost electrolytes so athletes stay hydrated.

What are the electrolytes in Gatorade Thirst Quencher?

Gatorade Thirst Quencher contains sodium and potassium electrolytes. This is because sweat contains more than just water - when athletes sweat, they also lose electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Unlike other beverages that are not scientifically formulated with the recommended amount of electrolytes for the active occasion, Gatorade is lab-tested to ensure it helps replenish the electrolytes lost in sweat while maintaining thirst so athletes will adequately ingest enough fluid and electrolytes to stay well-hydrated.

Why are carbs important for athletic performance?

Muscles rely on fuel to thrive. Carbohydrate is the body’s powerhouse fuel for moderate to high intensity exercise and without it athletes can lack energy, experience muscle fatigue, and are unable to perform their best at high intensity.

Why do you need protein for recovery?

Eating protein shortly after training or competition is important for muscle recovery. A small amount (approximately 20 grams for an average 175 lb athlete) of high-quality, complete protein (containing all the essential amino acids) as soon as possible after athletic activity helps rebuild muscles. For more precise recommendations, recent research estimates ~0.25 g/kg of body weight.

Why are there artificial colours in Gatorade?

The colours in Gatorade provide visual appeal and help reinforce the flavor perception. They are also useful in helping our consumers quickly locate their favorite flavors. The colours used in Gatorade are certified by the FDA for use in beverages and reviewed for safety to the consumer.

Is there any grapefruit juice in Gatorade?

Although there’s no fruit juice in Gatorade, we cannot guarantee that a grapefruit component is not part of the natural flavors and recommend you discuss this with your physician before consuming.

Are Gatorade products kosher?

Gatorade Thirst Quencher, G2 and Gatorade Zero ready-to-drink / powder varieties are kosher certified. Gatorade Endurance Formula ready-to-drink and concentrate used on event courses are also kosher certified. Consumers need to look for the Circled U symbol on the front of the label when looking to purchase kosher certified products. Gatorade protein or energy products are not kosher certified.

Is there a lot of sodium in Gatorade?

Athletes need to consume enough sodium to replace the significant amounts they lose in sweat. Of all the electrolytes lost in sweat, sodium is lost in the greatest amount and is the KEY electrolyte to replace during and after activity, particularly when exercising in the heat.

Sodium helps encourage drinking and enables the body to better retain fluid and support fluid balance. Adequate sodium concentration promotes to successfully rehydrate after exercise. Research shows that a typical athlete or active person can easily lose a quart (32 oz.) or more of sweat per hour and can lose more than 920 mg of sodium per quart of sweat (2.3 g NaCl).

Athletes and active people who are sweating a lot should look for sports drinks that contain an effective amount of sodium to aid the rehydration process. We know from extensive research that a sports drink containing at least 100 mg of sodium per eight ounces improves hydration and that during prolonged training and competition, many athletes can benefit from even more.

Athletes and active people who are sweating a lot should look for sports drinks that contain an effective amount of sodium to aid the rehydration process. We know from extensive research that a sports drink containing at least 100 mg of sodium per eight ounces improves hydration and that during prolonged training and competition, many athletes can benefit from even more.


How do I read the code on the bottle?

The top line of code on the bottle neck is the recommended use by date when Gatorade is at its optimal freshness and flavor versus an expiration date. Gatorade is a shelf stable product, not a perishable product like milk or juice. However, proper storage is essential to maintaining freshness for the longest period of time. Always store Gatorade in a clean, dry and cool location. Improper storage, such as exposure to high temperatures, direct sunlight, humidity, etc., may reduce the recommended shelf life of any product. .

Can I drink Gatorade past the “best before date” on the bottle?

Gatorade is a shelf stable product, not a perishable product like milk or juice. Shelf stable beverages are safe to consume past the recommended use by date, but may experience slight changes in flavor or colour as the product ages. However, there's no change to the efficacy of the beverage. If the bottle appears sealed tightly and has no obvious visible off-colour or odor when opened, there’s no reason why it cannot be consumed past the recommended usage date on the neck of each bottle.

How long can I drink Gatorade after the bottle has been opened?

Under normal conditions, Gatorade maintains fresh flavor approximately 3-5 days in a refrigerator if tightly capped and refrigerated within 24 hours of opening. Gatorade should be kept refrigerated or chilled ( 45°F to 57°F) after opening.

Do your bottles contain BPA?

Our bottles are not manufactured using BPA.

Are your bottles recyclable?

Gatorade plastic containers are recyclable (PET #1 polyethylene terephthalate); plastic caps are recyclable and are made of polypropylene (# 5 type plastic).

Can I reuse the plastic bottle?

Our bottles are made of a lightweight, recyclable plastic and are considered "disposable" packaging. We don’t recommend reusing our bottles for consumption because they can’t be properly sterilized or washed in a hot water cycle of a dishwasher as the plastic may distort and/or shrink.

Can I freeze Gatorade?

We do not recommend freezing Gatorade. If frozen or stored below 40 degrees F., the flavor emulsion may be damaged. Freezing doesn't affect the efficacy of the product, only its sensory attributes. More importantly, the content of the bottle may expand under frozen conditions resulting in distortion of the seal integrity of the plastic bottle.

How will I know if my order shipped?

We'll send you two emails once you make your purchase:

  • Order confirmation: We'll send this email as soon as our system accepts your order, usually within minutes of placement. Please contact us if you haven't received this email and we'll double-check to see if your order is in our system.
  • Shipping confirmation: We'll send this email as soon as your order leaves our warehouse. Depending on the shipping option you choose, it may take a few days to receive this email. If it's been a few weeks and you haven't received your order OR this email, please contact us and we'll look into the issue for you.


What’s the difference between G2 and Gatorade Zero?

Gatorade Zero was developed for athletes that do not require the carbs of regular Gatorade or G2. Gatorade Zero is low in calories and contains 0g of sugar per bottle, while G2 contains some carbs making it ideal for lower intensity activities. Both G2 and Gatorade Zero contain the same level of electrolytes as regular Gatorade, to help rehydrate what is lost in sweat.

What is Gatorade Zero?

Gatorade Zero is an electrolyte beverage used to help rehydrate and help replace what is lost in sweat. It’s designed for athletes who are looking for a hydration option with 0 grams of sugar.

Does Gatorade Zero contain any animal by-products/ is it vegan? Is it gluten-free?

Gatorade Zero is not certified vegan.

Although Gatorade Zero products are not formulated using gluten-containing ingredients, they are processed in facilities where gluten may be present.

Is there any caffeine in Gatorade Zero?

No there is no caffeine in Gatorade Zero.

What does Gatorade Zero taste like?

All flavours of Gatorade Zero are designed to give athletes the great taste they know to expect from Gatorade. Gatorade Zero will be available in orange, lemon-lime and berry flavours.

What flavours of Gatorade Zero are available?

Berry, Lemon-Lime, Orange, Glacier Freeze, Grape, Cool Blue, Fruit Punch, Glacier Cherry.

Is Gatorade Zero available in powder format?

At this time, Gatorade Zero is only available in ready-to-drink packaging.

Should I drink Gatorade Zero?

Gatorade Zero is an electrolyte beverage option for athletes which contains 0 grams of sugar. It’s a hydration and fuelling option for athletes who are looking for choice on how they hydrate for different athletic occasions. 


Gatolyte Electrolyte Beverage is designed to help hydrate and replenish what is lost in sweat. It’s been scientifically formulated for quick rehydration during endurance and high intensity athletic activities. 


What is Gatorade Water?

It is an unflavored water meant to help support all-day hydration with zero calorie. It is slightly alkaline (PH 7.5) and contains added sodium (35mg/375ml) for a refreshing and crisp taste.


Why do you call the product Gatorade Zero when it has more than zero calories?

Gatorade Zero is an electrolyte beverage with 0 grams of sugar in each bottle. The zero refers to the 0 grams of sugar in the product.

If the product doesn’t have any sugar or carbohydrates, where do the calories come from?

All flavours of Gatorade Zero are designed to give athletes the great taste they know to expect from Gatorade. The flavour and electrolyte blend used contain a small amount of calories.


What are the benefits of Gatorade Zero?

Gatorade Zero helps athletes stay hydrated and replace electrolytes lost through sweat. It has the same electrolytes as regular Gatorade, however contains 0 grams of sugar.

Why did Gatorade decide to create a sports drink with 0 grams of sugar?

Gatorade is continuously working with athletes to better understand their fuelling needs and preferences. Gatorade Zero is an electrolyte beverage meant for athletes who are looking to replace electrolytes lost through sweat, offering more choices to how athletes fuel and hydrate.

Does Gatorade Zero still hydrate as well regular Gatorade products?

BaseGatorade products contain calories, carbohydrates and sugar to fuel working muscles for athletes. Gatorade Zero is an electrolyte beverage with 0 grams of sugar and the same electrolytes as regular Gatorade to help rehydrate what is lost in sweat.

Is Gatorade Zero the best replacement for a full-calorie sports drink?

Gatorade Zero is not an appropriate replacement for a full-calorie or low-calorie sports drink. It’s meant to provide athletes with more choices for hydration to replace electrolytes lost through sweat.


What is Gatorade Gx?

Gx is a personalized hydration and fuelling system that enables a new level of customized solutions for the needs of different athletes.

Is Gx available in Canada?

Currently, Gatorade Gx in Canada is only available to Gatorade professional sports partners.

When will Gx be available to consumers?

Our teams are working diligently to provide advanced hydration and fuelling options for all elite Canadian athletes. Please continue to keep an eye on our pages for more information.